evergreen vs evolution in business

Lately, I’ve been craving simplicity like never before. The delight in trying a new recipe and enjoying it outside together with my family and no flies. The joy of that first cup of hot coffee before anyone else has woken up for the day, and getting creative work done. The peace after crawling into my […]

Evergreen vs. Evolution: How to Hit Reset on Your Big Lofty Goals Without Losing Your Ever-Loving Mind

building a business from the backroads

Are you team Chiefs or team Eagles? Or are you team Rhianna? No matter what your answer is, it can’t be as uncomfortable as the one Mrs. Kelce gives today. If you’re not familiar with who this Super Bowl Sunday has been named after, it’s this gal — Donna Kelce, the mom of Travis Kelce […]

The Super Bowl of Launching: How to Take the “Yes, And” Approach to Building a Business From the Backroads

do the unexpected in business

We’re in the thick of the holiday season, aren’t we? But that doesn’t mean you can’t think about how to grow your business in 2023 between things like: Holiday decorations. Holiday baking. Holiday movies. Shipping delays cause stress to our gift-giving routines. Forgotten recipients that have us scrambling to find the perfect last-minute gift without […]

How to Grow Your Business in 2023: Do The Unexpected

successful entrepreneur

This week, I switched my title in my email signature to say, “Serial Roadpreneur.” That statement might seem snoozeworthy (and it is), but what’s coming next has some meat on the bones. Having started several businesses, from a hyperlocal media site (which I sold) to a copywriting and content marketing agency, and now to teaching […]

How to Be Successful as a Roadpreneur

marketing changes in 2023

Every July, my husband and I like to tune into the Crossfit Games while camping. (Yes, while camping, don’t come at me for having a little TV time in the great outdoors). If you’re unfamiliar with Crossfit, it’s a sport that centers on functional fitness. There’s a lot of body weight stuff, a lot of […]

To Withstand the 2023 Marketing Changes, You Need This

sales without sleaze

It’s a spooky Sunday! 👻 It’s also a great day to talk about sales. “Sales? On a Sunday? But whyyyy?!” Because the beauty of living a Roadpreneurial lifestyle is that sales opportunities happen every day, whether you realize it or not. And, because last Sunday, I witnessed someone blow a sales opportunity because of something as […]

Campfire Chats: Selling From Emotional Attachment

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