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I'm Kimberly

Nice to Meet You

I might walk around every campground we stay at with a smile from ear-to-ear because I'm living a life of simple adventure that excites the heck out of me, but don't take my kindness for granted. I will unapologetically strongarm you to find your voice and amplify it from the rooftops!

Why? Because the world needs more of you. And when you get to show up fully as yourself, you get to be excited about life again.

My job is to show you how to splash the words that light you and your buyers up all over your sales pages, launch emails, newsletters, blogs, and social media captions, so you can get your ideas out into the wild. You ready? Let's roll.

Grab my hand and follow me down a desert trail.

Coaches. Creators. Thought-leaders. Entrepreneurs who feel flatlined and stuck. I see you.

You want to post your sales page, make your offer, and SELL, but you’re afraid to hit publish because the words on the screen don’t sound like you. They’re formulaic. They’re templated. They’re... ordinary. *yawn*

The cost of doing business with boring content and copy is high — especially when you already feel so hidden.

When you work your toosh off behind-the-scenes to bring something to life, shouldn’t your message reflect your dedication and brilliance? 

So who am I to be leading you down this path anyway?

I’m the copywriter you come to if you are trying to sell in a “boring” niche.

I’m the content marketer you come to if you crave more personality in your paragraphs but everything you write feels a little sleepy.

I’m the person you talk to if you’re ready to get to that next level, but you feel like your messaging and communication strategies are still in the teenage years, awkwardly skating by. 

I’m the strategist you come to if you want to stand out but haven’t quite figured out your big message to make you cut through the chaos online. 

I’m the neighbor in the RV next door you come to if you want to roast a marshmallow and get excited about life again.

~ kimberly

Pull up a seat in your favorite camping chair and let’s talk about how we can work together to bring your voice to life.

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