Introducing the perfect shortcut for overwhelmed entrepreneurs who want to get more eyes on their business but don't have the time or creative energy to create loads of content every week. 

The Content Club is a done-with-you membership that shows you the framework for a strong content strategy. Each week, you’ll get a fresh template with what to email your list and prompts for social media posts. Plus, you’ll stay motivated to implement these tools with quarterly content planning sessions, exciting sprints (with prizes), a supportive community for feedback and collaboration, and more! 

content creation


Take the Grind and Guesswork Out of

YEs! Make content
creation easier please!

YEs! Make content creation easier please!


Access the mindset and mechanics of solid content creation in one supportive space.

The Content Club was designed to simplify one of the hardest parts of growing your business — showing up consistently and prolifically.  For entrepreneurs who want to ditch the content creation dread and push through the analysis paralysis, having expert support, the tools to jumpstart the process each week, and a collaborative group of other creators to cheer you on is priceless.

The tools to publish cohesive content across your newsletter, website, podcast, vlog, and/or social media channels.

Quarterly content planning sprints to create strategic content instead of splattering ideas and hoping something sticks.

Hands-on feedback
from a content creation expert.

Monthly action items to help you stay motivated and in motion.

A supportive community
 where you can get support, collaboration opportunities, and so much more.

Inside the Content Club, you’ll get:

Confidently dust off those hands as you create content 10x faster.

content strategy

This program was developed exclusively for freedom-focused entrepreneurs like you who want to connect with their audience but are burnt out on the idea of coming up with new things to say every week, and want a more intentional approach. 

Replace sporadic posting and publishing with cohesive content strategy and support.

// content made easy 


content strategy

This program was developed exclusively for freedom-focused entrepreneurs like you who want to connect with their audience but are burnt out on the idea of coming up with new things to say every week, and want a more intentional approach. 

Replace sporadic posting and publishing with cohesive content strategy and support.

// content made easy 


Email Marketing has the highest ROI among all marketing channels at 4,200%

89% of marketers use email as their primary channel to generate leads.

95% of Gen Z, Millennials, and Gen X and 84% of Baby Boomers receive newsletters.

  • Scramble to send out useful information

  • Fumble your way through knowing what to send and post

  • Decide you'll write from a quaint little coffee shop like all of the stock photos show, only to want to drive that butter knife through your eyeballs because you still don’t know what to write or say when you sit down.

  • Feel the weight of imposter syndrome because, despite knowing your stuff, you don’t know how to convey all that expertise to the world on repeat

  • Have your work minimized by your spouse, friends, or past colleagues (ouch, been there!)

  • Wish someone would just tell you what to do so you could get the heck out of that coffee shop without perfectionism, dread, frustration, or fumbling creeping into the mix.

Unless you’re a word nerd, modern-day Ernest Hemingway, or ‘lil mouse with a pen who sneaks out in the middle of the night to wave a magic wand over the paper, it’s hard to know what to say every week to keep your business top of mind, tugging on heart and purse strings, and tantalizing your dream buyers...

let's face it

Focusing on social media first means you:

Attention starts in the inbox

Still, many entrepreneurs start their content creation on social media, before building an email list- and that's costly because:

unless you have the content club

YEs! Make content creation easier please!

You're expected to deliver, and still:

Show up, be “on,” have the energy to create the thing you want to create, be the expert, and have enough energy to keep this business afloat. 😮‍💨

YEs! Make content
creation easier please!

Email Marketing has the highest ROI among all marketing channels at 4,200%
89% of marketers use email as their primary channel to generate leads.
95% of Gen Z, Millennials, and Gen X and 84% of Baby Boomers receive newsletters.

The Content Club is designed to get you showing up more consistently and confidently in as little time as possible. This program is in beta, which means you’ll lock in a lifetime of savings as it rolls out. 

The Content Club is designed to get you showing up more consistently and confidently in as little time as possible.  

Let’s make content creation easy!

What's Waiting for You Inside

Quarterly Content Planning Sessions:


Don't post and pray that your words drive results. Get the exercises needed to map out a strategic plan every quarter with a guided planning session that'll ignite your ideas on fire, simplify your approach, and magnify your offers so it's a no-brainer to take the next steps with you. 

YEs! Make content creation easier please!

Weekly Plug-and-Play Content Frameworks:


Plug-and-Play Content Frameworks for Newsletter, Blog/Podcast, and Social Media. Get blog and newsletter frameworks you can plug-and-play into each week, plus daily social media prompts, so you never guess what to post. 

private community:


Ask for feedback from other content creators. Collaborate. Push through fear. Get cheerleading to move through perfectionism. Laugh. Play. Meet your new biz besties. 

Quarterly Surprise Sessions: 


Guest experts, pitch blitzes, or bonus coaching calls — you'll get surprise every third month of the quarter to up your content game!

Quarterly Content sprints:


Stay accountable to your plan with a guided sprint to get you into action. 

// content made easy 

You don't have to figure this all out alone. Collaborate, share insights, and discover life-giving strategies to grow your list, publish more consistently, and post with renewed enthusiasm. 

When you join this community of freedom-focused entrepreneurs and creators, you'll link arms with others who are shifting back to a minimalist approach to maximum impact through intentional content creation.

YEs! Make content creation easier please!

YEs! Make content
creation easier please!

And you're not alone in feeling overwhelmed by all the content advice out there today. The goal of the Content Club is to simplify your entrepreneurial life, so you don't have to spend extra mental calories trying to figure it all out alone.

It’s okay if you hate writing, don’t have a list, or just aren’t sure what things you have to offer your audience yet.

Better yet, you don't need a huge list to hit huge revenue months, just like you don't need a huge social media following to sell.

There are no minimum requirements for walking into the Content Club in terms of list size, number of blog posts, or monthly website visitors. The whole point of this membership is to give you the support needed so that you can grow from wherever you’re starting. 

Unlike other memberships and courses, the Content Club gives you an all around strategy that'll work for your freedom-focused lifestyle, so you're not forced to piecemeal together a variety of strategies and hope they don't burn you out in the process. 

And, if you want extra help through private content audits or VIP Voxer Time with Kimberly, as a member, you save 50% this support. That's MORE support for LESS investment simply by committing yourself to creating consistently.

It’s about simplifying your content strategy work, so you can simplify your entrepreneurial life, too.

your mentor and content cheerleader!

Bringing together calm with a healthy amount of chaos, I've started multiple businesses all while raising my two kids and RVing beyond a few weekend trips here and there. Now, I'm teaching you how to do the same, because:

You do NOT need to be super special to get your thing off the ground.

You do NOT have to have loads of cash from the outset, or an angel investor pouring into your bank account.

You do NOT need to run on fumes (or have your truck running on fumes) while you grow.

What you do need is to say yes to yourself and commit to the possibilities of this lifestyle. 

kimberly crossland


If you're anything like me, then you love a sense of balance combined with a sense of adventure. Bringing together calm with a healthy amount of chaos, I've started multiple businesses all while raising my two kids and RVing beyond a few weekend trips here and there. Now, I'm teaching you how to do the same, because:

You do NOT need to be super special to get your thing off the ground.

You do NOT have to have loads of cash from the outset, or an angel investor pouring into your bank account.

You do NOT need to run on fumes (or have your truck running on fumes) while you grow.

What you do need is to say yes to yourself and commit to the possibilities of this lifestyle. 

If you're anything like me, then you love a sense of balance combined with a sense of adventure. 

Get the jumpstart you need to kickstart your writing with guidance that'll bring out your voice as you enthusiastically share your ideas/

Write faster with more confidence and zest because you're no longer crafting a term paper, but instead, sharing a personal letter with a friend (a mindset shift that's worth everything in action).

Use your blog and newsletter to stand out from the crowd because you get to create this content for your business and yourself.

You're not a needle in a haystack. It's time you're known for what you do so you can stop hiding.

It’s time for you to gain loyal customers in your corner buying from you on repeat.

It's time for you to build a content strategy that works for your lifestyle, by working for you even when you're not staring a glass rectangle and churning out post after post.

That's what the Content Club is for.

Get the jumpstart you need to kickstart your writing with guidance that'll bring out your voice as you enthusiastically share your ideas/

Write faster with more confidence and zest because you're no longer crafting a term paper, but instead, sharing a personal letter with a friend (a mindset shift that's worth everything in action).

Use your blog and newsletter to stand out from the crowd because you get to create this content for your business and yourself.

You're not a needle in a haystack. It's time you're known for what you do so you can stop hiding.

It’s time for you to gain loyal customers in your corner buying from you on repeat.

It's time for you to build a content strategy that works for your lifestyle, by working for you even when you're not staring a glass rectangle and churning out post after post.

That's what the Content Club is for.

Stop waiting to find your voice before you hit publish. Instead:

Settle Into

set perfectionism aside





// content made easy 


content strategy

minimum 3 month commitment



YEs please!

YEs please!



get 2 months free when you commit to the year


Content Club

skill up and simplify:


Set yourself up for success with a content framework that simplifies content creation.


PLUS - Monthly discounts in the product shop


Every Monday you'll get newsletter, blog posts and social media prompts; so you always have ideas of what to share.



Link arms with other content creators to grow your audience and tap into new networks for massive success.

Grow your audience and amplify your ideas, so you can grow your visibility and help the people who need you the most.

Never stare at a blank screen wondering what content to share for the week.



Join Kimberly each month for a guided content strategy session, content sprints, and content fun (yes, fun)!





Rosalyn Stewart, The Label Link

Kimberly is a great listener, is open to making adjustment (which there are few), is uber professional with quick turnarounds on my work. I appreciate that I can count on her (and) would love to keep her as my best kept secret, but I guess I have to share!

Kimberly is a great listener, is open to making adjustment (which there are few), is uber professional with quick turnarounds on my work. I appreciate that I can count on her (and) would love to keep her as my best kept secret, but I guess I have to share!

"My best kept secret."

"My best kept secret."

Sara Rodrigues Fernandes, Money Whine & Cheese

Kimberly gives you all the tools to really define your client, message and strategy. As a "wing it" kind of person, I was spinning my wheels trying to do a little bit everywhere in my business.

Kimberly gives you all the tools to really define your client, message and strategy. As a "wing it" kind of person, I was spinning my wheels trying to do a little bit everywhere in my business.

"I was spinning my wheels."

"I was spinning my wheels."

Kristin Gudenkauf, Next Chapter Strategies

Kimberly has helped me tell my story, and showed me that speaking JUST AS ME is my greatest asset. With simple prompts and post ideas, I can take her formula and translate it to something both my followers and I connect with. I am not trying to sell myself anymore, I just being myself.

Kimberly has helped me tell my story, and showed me that speaking JUST AS ME is my greatest asset. With simple prompts and post ideas, I can take her formula and translate it to something both my followers and I connect with. I am not trying to sell myself anymore, I just being myself.

"We are not experts in everything."

"We are not experts in everything."

kind words  //  WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING


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