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Absolutely it can.
Want evidence? Think about how you navigate today’s world. What inspired you to buy the last course you took? The last newsletter you signed up for? The last templates you purchased? The last campsite you reserved? The last charcuterie board box to get delivered straight to your doorstep like the queen you are (tell me I’m not alone in wanting one of these brought to my doorstep every day)? 

You’ve Heard It’s Your Message That Sells, But Where Do You Start? What Do You Say? And Can Copy + Content Together Really Be That Powerhouse Duo to Move From Slump to Sales While You Sleep?

All of these sales happen because of the words on the screen.

Your messaging is what translates curiosity into crazy-not-to-buy attitudes when staring at your checkout pages. And to get the right messaging — the kind that exudes confidence and conviction in your offers — requires you to be in the right mindset both for yourself, the entrepreneur, and your customer, the one forking over the dough to snag all your goodies. 

Campgrounds? Photography? Books? Podcasts? Wine? Hiking? 

Courses about crocheting? Courses about healthy living? Courses about spiritual living? 

Every. Single. Industry. Requires. Strong. Copy. 

And it’s not just copy that gets people who are finally at the tipping point to actually buy. It’s solid content that attracts those buyers in the first place. Your words, no matter their purpose, matter. That’s because:

No Matter What You Sell, It’s Your Words That Make You the Money


Your voice is the one thing that cannot be replicated. It’s the one thing that will make you stand apart from a boring niche or crowded industry. The perspective and personality you can sprinkle into every single page on your website, email you send, and social media caption you share gets to sound just like you. 

Your ability to make the human on the other side of the screen feel something through your words is more critical than ever before. 

That’s where I come in. 

I’ve spent over a decade helping businesses across a wide variety of industries pull out their voice and position their offers in a way that packs a sucker punch. Profits? POW! Clear positioning? POW POW! Personality that’s compelling enough to come back to again and again (and again)? POW! 

Enjoy launching again! Hit your big goals without hitting an energetic wall with copy that’ll do the bulk of the selling for you.

You'll Get:

Full Sales Page
5-Email Sales Sequence
5 Social Posts
Messaging Consultation

Website Copywriting

Whether you're starting from scratch or you just want a fresh start, let's rewire your website copy to work harder for your business. 

You'll Get:

Home Page
3 Supporting Pages
Messaging Consultation
One Round of Revisions

Launch Copywriting



Ready to Move From Passively Throwing Words on the Screen to Participating in Your Buyer’s Journey With Words That SELL? I’ve Got You Covered.

Messaging Makeover

Get a soup-to-nuts messaging overhaul that aligns your business with you and your customer.

Full Messaging and Copy Audit
Assessment Call to Determine Goals and Brand Trajectory
Full Revision of All Major Copy Sources (Website, Nurture Sequences, Bios, etc.)


Freedom-Focused Action Plan

Develop a plan for finding freedom on your terms and the messaging to sell for you when you’re AFK.

Clarify Your Messaging
Align and Position Your Offers to Your Lifestyle
Develop a Full Customer Journey Map, So You Know Exactly What to Say and When to Say it — And Then Can Automate the Whole Thing.


Put My Writing Brain In Your Back Pocket Each Month

If you want ongoing content marketing support for blog posts or newsletters, let’s talk! I have limited openings for monthly retainer clients who want to publish regular content but do not have the bandwidth to tackle it on their own. Fill out the form below with your requests, and I’ll contact you to get the ball rolling with me or a trusted copywriter in my network.

Pricing: TBD




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